
【摘要】 本文结合教学设计案例,探讨了运用教学原则的原理,进行英语教学设计的过程与方法,以提高英语教学效率,对新课程改革下的高中英语课堂教学设计具有现实的指导意义。

【关键词】 高中英语 教学原理 教学效率

【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-4772(2013)11-001-02



1. 以学生为中心,提倡有意义的英语学习。从意义学习的原理来看,英语课堂学习内容都应基于学生现有的知识与背景,且能激发和保持学生学习的兴趣,使外在的语言知识与学生已有的认知水平相联系。

2. 注重学生英语交际能力的培养,强调在“做中学”。语言教学的交际法原理要求教学活动应以话语在语境中能实现的功能为线索组织教学内容,以使学习内容尽可能符合学生的需要,真正培养学生使用语言的能力。特别要培养学生用英语去完成任务的能力,让他们在解决实际问题的过程中去掌握语言的运用。

3. 激发学生学习动力,充分调动其参与课堂的积极性与主动性。学生是教学活动的主体,激发内在动机的教学原则表明,在英语教学中激发学生的学习动机,增强他们的求知欲,调动他们思维活动的自觉性与积极性是非常重要的。


1. 班情说明。江苏省四星级高级中学高一(1)级,人数50人,其中男生26人,女生24人。平均年龄16周岁,英语平均程度较好(5-6级),但有部分来自农村的学生基础相对比较薄弱。

2. 课情分析。学习内容是译林版牛津高中英语模块2第二单元Word power的第三课时,前面学生已学习reading部分的An Adventure in Africa。该课的教学目的是词汇的巩固和拓展。整课设计安排分为6步:Stage 1: Review of the former reading part (5").Stage 2: Lead-in of the “Word Power” part(5").Stage 3: Vocabulary related to adventure necessities (8").Stage 4: Exercise( consolidating the words above) (10").Stage 5: Group activity (five steps) (15")Stage 6: Homework (write a letter about travel planning) (2")

下面以Stage 5的活动设计为例作一探讨。

3. 教学设计。教学话题:Getting ready for adventure.教学任务:通过本节课学习,学生能在课后完成一封信的写作任务(围绕如何为旅行作准备)。教学目标:①通过一系列的活动,练习运用本单元新学的词汇。②锻炼学生做决定的能力,培养创造性思维和解决问题的能力。③增强学生的合作意识和自主探究能力。教学时间:15min.教学用具:多媒体、黑板。教学步骤:

Step 1: Allocate the two adventure destinations to 10 groups (1").

T: Your group is going to have an adventure in Africa. There are two places for you. The destination for Group 1-5 is the Sahara Desert, and for Group 6-10 is the Mount Kilimanjaro. You have to decide the items you should take to ensure that you can finish you adventure successfully.

Step 2: Group discussion (5")

T: (Giving each group a paper sheet on which there is a table that they can take notes of what they discussed later) Now please discuss with your group members on which items should be taken before going on trip. Remember you can only choose 3 items according to the importance, of cause, you should give your reasons for your choice. After your group has reached the agreement, please write it down on the paper sheet.(During the discussion, T circulates and listens in, offering just one or two comments here and there)

Step 3: Group report (4")

T: Which group is willing to report your choices and reasons? Before you give us the report, I would like to mention the structure and some sentence patterns about giving a report. You should start your report with “ I come from Group…, and our destination is…. We have decided to take … with us. We think … is the most important because… The second important item is … because…( T present it on the ppt.)S1(raise hand).

T: S1, you will give us a report representing your group, right?

S1: Yes.

T: Ok , please go to the front of the blackboard.

S1: ( go to the front) I come from Group 1…

T : ( After G1’s report) Now I’d like to know if different destination will bring about different choices. How about the groups whose destination is the Mount Kilimanjaro?

S2: ( raise hands and come to the front) I come from…( During each group’s report, T writes the group number and their choices on the blackboard.) Notes: During students’ reports, the teacher listens with interest, and gives feedback after each report, making sure to let students realize that they have done a good job.

Step 4: Class discussion (4")

T: Just now Group1 and Group6 gave us their choices and reasons for different destination, do you agree with them? Do you think their choices are reasonable? If you don’t agree with them, then what’s your opinion?

S1: ( raise hands and stand up) For Sahara Desert, I have different choices...

T: S1’s choices sounds reasonable, do you think so? ( T calls on one student ) S2, what’s your choices?

S2: I choose …, because I think…( This discussion will continue to include other students. T should encourage Ss to use the sentence patterns like “I choose… because…”, “ I think the most important item is …because…”

Step 5 Homework preparing (1")

T: Now that we have discussed a lot about choices and reasons for different destinations. I think a lot of students have presented us their remarkable opinions and comments. If you are asked to write a letter to your pen-pal telling him your decision, can you do that?

Ss: Yes.

后续活动安排。Homework: write a letter to your friend about your choices and reasons on an adventure trip. You can either use the destination discussed in class or other places.

三、Stage 5教学设计分析

1. 教学目标的达成。小组活动开始的第一步,明确活动任务:为完成非洲的一次冒险之旅而决定所要携带的物品。随后对学生进行目的地分配,小组1-5为撒哈拉沙漠,小组6-10为乞力马扎罗山脉。让学生明确活动任务可为下一步小组讨论的顺利进行做好准备。而两个目的地的选择也不是随意的,是在前一部分reading中出现的。由于学生对内容很熟悉,那么在随后的小组讨论中就能做到有据可依,有话可说。而目的地由教师分配可增加课堂讨论的可控性和实际操作性。总的来说,第一步是为整个教学目标的达成做好铺垫。第二步要求学生进行组内讨论,根据目的地来选择应该带的物品,第三步各组的结果汇报和第四步的班级大讨论中,都涉及到了学生对所学词汇的练习和运用以及对句型的操练。这为实现第一个教学目标创造实训条件。在第二步的小组讨论中,让学生只选择3件物品,且增加难度要求按重要性顺序排列,并给出理由,这使学生必须做出积极缜密的思考,在锻炼学生做决定能力和创新思维能力的过程中达成了第二个教学目标。对于第三个教学目标主要是通过第二步和第三步来实现。学生为完成小组报告需要进行组内分工合作。派代表交流本组报告则在另一层面上培养了他们做事的独立性。

2. 教学原理在教学过程中的运用。15分钟的教学设计,主要运用前述的意义学习原理,交际能力原理以及激发内在动机原理。意义学习意味着上课的内容贴近学生的学习生活,围绕学生的兴趣并符合学生现有的认知水平。教学设计主要围绕选择什么样的物品去完成探险之旅。该话题是学生感兴趣的,他们会联系到自身的实际情况和以往的经历来做出选择。在整个Group activity 过程中,始终都在给学生创造说英语的机会,小组讨论,组员汇报,班级大讨论,充分让每个人都参与其中,用英语去表达自己的思想,解决问题,教师一直鼓励学生把真实的情感,动作,感受带进课堂。



推荐访问:英语教学 效率 原理 提高课堂教学