
圣经生日祝福的经文4篇圣经生日祝福的经文 圣诞节讲章 世界上关于圣诞节的来源有不同的说法,按照基督教的传统,圣诞节是在阳历的十二月二十五日,是记念耶稣基督的生日。 在西方一些基下面是小编为大家整理的圣经生日祝福的经文4篇,供大家参考。




  世界上关于圣诞节的来源有不同的说法, 按照基督教的传统, 圣诞节是在阳历的十二月二十五日, 是记念耶稣基督的生日。

 在西方一些基督教国家, 他们就把这个节当做最隆重的节日。

 而这一天他们会给孩子们偷偷的放些礼物在他们的长筒丝袜里, 这个来源是源于一个美丽的传说, 传说有个心地善良的没落贵族, 生活非常艰难。


 喜庆的圣诞夜, 三个姑娘早早地蜷在炕上睡觉了 , 剩下父亲在长吁短叹。


 他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子, 落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁的长统丝袜里。

 从此, 他们过上了幸福而快乐的生活„„圣诞节的袜子就这样产生了。

 另一种说法是据《圣经》 记载, 来自东方的博士在耶稣降生的时候赠送礼物, 这就是圣诞老人为儿童赠送礼品习俗的由来。

 英国孩子在圣诞前夕把长统袜子放在壁炉旁, 相信圣诞老人在夜里会从大烟囱下来, 给他们带来满袜子的礼物。

 法国的孩子把鞋放在门口, 让圣诞老人来时把礼物放在鞋里面


 传说是不真实的东西, 是人们心中的一个美好期盼。

 而今天万民所要知道的是不管耶稣出生的日子是否十二月二十五日, 但这不是一个大问题, 因为主耶稣降生这件事, 却是在历史上有清楚的记载, 是千真万确的事实。

 所以对于今天的我们来说, 圣诞节不是想在长筒丝袜里寻到别人偷偷送来的礼物, 而是我们已经得到了最美丽的礼物

  最美的礼物——耶稣 1 耶稣的出生(路 2:3/7)


 既然是生日就少不了出生的时间, 出生的地点。

 那么耶稣的出生有什么与众不同的地方呢? 按照圣经(路 2: 3/7)

 的记载, 神的独生儿子耶稣基督在二千年前为了 拯救我们而降生在世上。

 祂是从圣灵怀孕, 在还没有出生的时候因为居里扭做叙利亚驯服的时候头一次行报名上册的事情, 所以他世上的肉身父母约瑟和马利亚因为人口统计的缘故, 回到他们的故乡 犹大的伯利恒, 耶稣便在伯利恒城出世了。

 按说他出生应该出生在一个比较优越的环境里, 因为他是神差来的, 但是他却出生在马槽里, 最卑微最寒冷的地方, 因为客店靓丽没有地方了 。

 但这并不算完事, 更重要的是有几个博士被圣灵引导去拜耶稣(太 2:10/12)

 , 更可怕的是由于当时的希律王孩子这位被博士所拜的君王危害自理的统治和利益, 居然一下把伯利恒和四境两岁以内的孩子全部杀光, 这是语言先知耶利米的话“在拉玛听见嚎啕大哭的声音, 是拉结哭儿女,因为他们都不在了。

 ” (太 2: 16/18)

 这时候耶稣就被副怒呆在逃到了 埃及, 之后等到希律王死了, 耶稣和父母才一起回到了 以色列的一座城拿撒勒, 这样说应验先知的话他要成为拿撒勒人(太 2: 23

  2 耶稣的影响(路 2:

 8-14) :

 也许有人会说, 我对这些事根本没有兴趣, 主耶稣有没有降生到世上, 又或祂在那一日降生, 这一切都与我无关。

 但事实是否如此呢? 在路 2:

 8-14 节中说到, 在耶稣降生那一天晚上, 有天使对当时在旷野看守羊群的牧羊人说:

 「我报给你们大喜的信息, 是关乎万民的」 。

 真的, 耶稣基督来到世上这一件事实, 每天都在影响你和我以及世上每一个人的生活, 不论我们喜欢与否。

 因为他的降生“是关乎万民的” 。

 所以无论你信不信他, 你都是万民中的一位, 这是不可否认的。

 那个时代因为耶稣的降生连希律王都胆怯害怕, 耶稣的降生同样在今天这个时代带来了每一个父母的影响。


 例如今年是 2011 年, 这便是从耶稣基督降生那一年算起的, 不论东方或西方, 信神与不信神的国家, 都是用这一个公元纪年法, 从来没有人能更改的。

 又如我们常见的救护车, 都有红色的十字架做记号,这个红色十字架便是象征耶稣基督在十字架上为我们牺牲流血和对人类的爱的标志。

 此外, 现在世界上许多人民, 都在享受民主政治的制度。

 民主制度是在宗教改革时产生的,由当时的基督徒把圣经中的民主思想, 即是耶稣作众人公仆的思想发扬光大而来的。

 主耶稣在可 10:43/45 说:

 「谁愿为首, 就必作你们的仆人。

 正如人子来, 不是要受人服事,乃是要服事人, 并且要舍命, 作多人的赎价。

 」 没有耶稣诞生, 也就没有民主政制。







 耶稣降生是不是就单单为了有这样的影响和轰动呢? 不是这些, 他还有一个目的就是为来寻找失丧的人。

 “主为寻浪子成为流浪的人” 了, 就是耶稣在世界寻找那些浪子的写照。

 3 耶稣的寻找:

 结 34:

 11 弗 1:



 “看呢, 我必亲自寻找我的羊, 将他们寻见。


 (结 34:


 就如神从创立世界以前, 在基督里拣选了 我们, 使我们在他面前成为圣洁, 无有瑕疵。




 我是谁? 我为什么存在? 我将到哪里去? 这个问题从苏格拉底、 柏拉图直到今天, 继续困扰着我们。

 有人说, 谁要是能回答这个问题, 说明他已经把握了 人生的真谛。

 但谁又能回答这个问题呢? 人类为了解决这个问题, 近代达尔文提出了 进化论。

 其实进化论的鼻祖不是达尔文, 来自亚里斯多德, 只是亚里斯多德没有告诉我们人是从什么动物变来的, 达尔文说出来了, 是猿猴变来的。

 这个学说使永远上帝形象的人沦为了动物, 使人失去人之所以为人的永恒的价值。

 这个学说, 同样也影响了人们的人生观与价值观, 人一失去永恒的盼望, 就会落在现实的物质世界里, 人又了 拜金主义、 享乐主义与极端个人主义之中。

 人类以为人只是是动物, 人的存在是很偶然的, 人只是物质存在的最高形式而已, 因为人出于物质归于物质, 一了百了, 所以这样的人生还有什么意义呢? 不如我们吃吃喝喝玩玩乐乐就等死吧!


 因为人是自私的, 所以为了 自己的益处不断竞争。

 因此现实充满竞争, 充满着来自生活各个层面的压力就不奇怪了, 老年人担心晚年的生活、 中年人面临下岗的危险、 青年人面临升学就业的压力、 、 、 、 、 焦虑的结果, 使人们不知不觉进入在亚健康的状态中, 表现出食欲不振、 失眠、 记忆力下降„„。

 平时好象没有病, 但一病就是大病。

 因此, 人需要依靠, 人需要心灵里的安息。

 但这依靠在哪里? 心灵的安息又在哪里呢? “因为罪的工价乃是死。


 (罗马书 6:



 虽然人不断的用自己的方法, 就如善行, 道德, 宗教, 哲学等,

 来寻求神和丰盛的生命, 总是得不着。

 人为什么会这样? 都是因为人远离神的结果。

 离开神的人, 才会失丧自我; 离开神的人, 才会失去倚靠。

 因此, 人需要拯救!


 其实自从人类犯罪堕落后, 神就不断的在寻找人类, 不是人找神, 亚当犯罪后躲避神。神就说:

 “亚当你在那里? ” 这句话一直在人类中回荡, 浪子的比喻中也说明了这一点,


 有首诗歌叫迷失的羊, 歌词中说:

 “迷失的羊你今在哪里? 耶稣基督正在寻找你。


 耶稣为了 拯救你我来到了 这个世界, 体会这人间因罪恶带来的艰难困苦, 人情冷暖。

 那个时代的人不接受他, 因为光来了是要着凉一切黑暗中的人, 黑暗却不接受光。

 , 所以耶稣就承担了 一个救赎的过程:

 那就是为了人类担当了 一个刑法----受死。

 所以圣经耶稣基督的降生虽是是关乎万民的信息, 但是圣经并没有经文叫我们记念这件事, 反而叫我们记念祂的死亡。

 圣经似乎是说主的生是重要, 但祂的死更为重要。

 当然, 如果主没有生, 祂便不可能有死。

 但主的生只带来人类的盼望, 如果祂不为我们死, 也是不行的。

 惟有主为我们死在十字架上, 才能彻底解决世人的罪恶问题。

 4 耶稣的死和复活:

 15: 3/4

  人大都是贪生怕死的, 唯独主耶稣不逃避死亡。

 我们可以说祂是为死而生, 祂是为在十字架上流血而诞生的。

 祂不流血, 我们的罪便不得赦免; 祂不死, 我们便不能与神和好。但基督并不是就此便死了, 祂在三日后从死里复活了 。


 「若基督没有复活, 我们所传的便是枉然, 你们所信的也是枉然……你们仍在罪里……我们若靠基督, 只在今生有指望, 就算比众人更可怜」 。

 保罗的意思是基督不但死了 , 祂更从死里复活, 证明祂战胜罪恶。

 我们若相信祂的话, 我们也同样可以战胜罪恶,并且也可盼望将来与主一同复活, 享受天国的福份。

 因此保罗在林前 15:3/4 对这个大喜信息, 这个福音作了 这样一个简介:

 「我当日所领受又传给们的; 第一, 就是基督照圣经所说, 为我们的罪死了, 而且埋葬了 ; 又照圣经所说, 第三天复活了 」 。


 真的, 耶稣的降生带给我们希望, 祂的死解决我们过去所犯的罪,他的复活带给我们永生盼望, 使我们今天因为信他而有了 希望, 远离罪恶, 最终有复活的盼望。


 如果每个人都能明白, 就不会有“主为寻浪子成为流浪的人” 了。


 5 耶稣的拯救:

 太 1:

 23 路 2:


  她将要生一个儿子, 你要给他起名叫耶稣, 因他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。



 因今天在大卫的城里, 为你们生了 救主, 就是主基督。

 (路 2:


 耶稣死了, 但是他又复活了 , 而且又升天了 。

 在耶稣受死的那一刻魔鬼哈哈大笑, 以为他们的计谋得逞了 , 以为拯救人类的耶稣再也没有了 , 但是它们没有想到, 耶稣却做成了一个更大的工程, 就是他虽然代替了人类所以的罪死在十字架上, 却复活升天, 让那些相信耶稣跟随耶稣的人都因信称义。

 在主降生的晚上, 天使说「在至高之处荣耀归与神, 在地上平安归与祂所喜悦的人」 。


 至高之处和地上; 又讲到了 两个对方:




 但在今天的世界中, 处处充满危机、 战争、 天灾和人祸, 而平安却是遥不可及而又是人梦寐以求的。

 但我们可以从哪里找到平安呢? 找到以后, 又可以维持多久呢? 今天的经文告诉我们主可以赐我们平安。

 为什麼呢? 因为这一位在圣诞节降生在马槽里的耶稣, 在人眼中祂不过是一个普通的婴孩, 但他却是实实在在创造并掌管整个宇宙及人类历史的主宰。

 祂不但为我们解决了罪的问题, 而且祂解决我们人生路途上的各种问题。

 让我们的人生因为有他就不再有惧怕胆怯紧张忧虑, 而充满我们人生的是喜乐宁静悠然自得, 这便是平安, 真正的平安。

 试问谁能给我们更大的保障呢? 是亲人麼? 朋友麼? 金钱麼? 制度麼? 还是那一位能平静风浪、 起死回生和应许永远与我们同在的主耶稣基督呢?

 总结 耶稣到底是在那一天降生并不重要, 最重要的是祂确实降生为人, 且为我们死,而且更为我们复活。

 所谓祂在二千多年前降生, 也不过是祂肉体的降生, 其实祂是早已存在了。

 因为祂是神, 是无始无终, 是自有永有的。

 有人说, 中国孔子离现在已二千五百多年了, 比耶稣还要早五百多年, 因此认为基督教是很稚嫩的宗教。


 我们要知道耶稣在没有宇宙之前已存在, 祂舍弃天上的荣华降世为人, 是为了拯救你和我, 使我们得到平安喜乐。

 愿我们每天都记念祂这种伟大无比的爱, 不但在圣诞节记念, 不但在复活节记念, 不但是在礼拜天, 更在我们每一天的日常生活中爱祂, 听祂的话, 为祂作美好的见证。

  qN+mI*iE!d AX9wS5s O1nK) jG$fCYbxU7tQ2pM-lH& hD#dzW 8vS4rN 0nJ(iF$eBXaxT6sP2oL) kH%g CZcyV7uR3qN+ mI*iE! dAX9wS5sO1nK) jG$fC YbxU7tQ2pM-l H&hD#dzW8vS4 rN0nJ(iF$eBX axT6sP2oL) kH %gCZcyV7uR3qN+mI*iE!dAX9 wS5sO1nK) jG$ fCYbxU7tQ2pM-lI&hD#dzW8v S4rN0n J(iF$e BXaxT6sP2oL) kH%gCZcyV8uR 3qN+mI*iE!dA X9wS5sO1nK) jG$fCYbxU7tQ2 pM-lI&hD#dzW 8vS4rN0nJ(iF$eBXaxT6sP2o L) kH% gCZcyV8 uR3qN+mI*iE!dAX9wS5sO1nK ) jG$f CYbxU7t Q2pM-lI&hD#dzW8vS4rN0nJ( iF$eBX axT6sP 2oL) kH%gCZcyV8uR3qN+mI*i E!dAX9wS5sO1 nK) jG$fCYbxU7tQ2pM-lI&hD #dzW8vS4rN0n J(iF$e BXaxT6sP2oL) kH%gC ZcyV8uR3qN+m I*iE!dAX9wS5sO1nK) jG$fCY bxU7tQ 2pM-lI &hD#dzW8vS4rN0nJ(iF$eBXa xT6sP2oL) kH% gDZcyV8uR3qN+mI*iE!dAX9w S5sO1n K) jG$f CYbxU7tQ3pM-lI&hD#dzW8vS 4rN0nJ(iF$eB XaxT6sP2oL) kH%gDZcyV8uR3 qN+mI* iE! dAX 9wS5sO1nK) jG$fCYbxU7tQ3p M-lI&hD #dzW8 vS4rN0nJ(iF$eBXaxT6sP2oL ) kH%gDZcyV8u R3qN+mI*iE!dAX9wS5sO1nK) jG$fCYbxU7tQ 3pM-lI&hD#dz W 8vS4rN0nJ(i F$eBXax T6sP2 oL) kH%gDZcyV 8uR3qN+mI*iE ! dAX9wS5sO1n K) jG$fCYbxU7 tQ3pM-lI&hD# dzW8vS4rN0nJ (iF$eBXaxT6sP2oL-kH%gDZc yV8uR3nJ(jF$ eBYaxT6tP2oL-kH%gDZcyV8u R3qN+mJ*iE!eAX9wT5sO1oK )jG%fCYbyU7t Q3pM-lI&hE#d zW9vS4rO0nJ( jF$eBYaxT6tP 2oL-kH% gDZcy V8uR4qN+mJ*i E ! eAX9wT5sO1 oK) jG%f CYbyU 7tQ3pM-lI&hE #dzW9vS4rO0n J(jF$eBY axT6 tP2oL-kH%gDZ cy V8uR4qN+mJ *iE!eAX9wT5s O1oK) jG%fCYb y U7tQ3pM-lI& hE#dzW9vS4rO 0nJ(jF$eBYax T 6tP2oL-kH%g DZcyV8u R4qN+ mJ*iE!eAX9wT 5sO1oK) jG%fC YbyU7tQ3pM-l I&hE#dzW9vS4 r O0nJ(jF$eBY axT6tP2oL-kH %gDZcyV8uR4q N +mJ*iE!eAX9 wT5sO1oK ) jG% fCYbyU7tQ3pM + lI&hE#dzW9v S4rO0nJ( jF$e BYaxT6tP2oL- k H%gDZczV8uR 4qN+mJ* iE!eA X9wT5sO1oK) j G% fCYbyU7tQ3...


祝福语大全(Birthday greetings)

 There is a light poem in the long cloud, there is a continuous joy in the light poem, there is my gentle blessing in the continuous joy, happy birthday! (friend)

 Happy birthday! I want to give you a 100% pure milk candy: ingredients = true + + happy thoughts, valid = life = + + nutrition warm happiness touched (friends)

 At this moment, I have the deepest yearning. Let cloud take full blessing, decorate your sweet dream, wish you spend a warm and romantic birthday! (friend)

 There"s a saying that I never dared to tell you, but when you don"t say it on your birthday, you don"t have a chance: you really hate it........................... Love you, (friend) year

 From when you born, you are destined for heaven belongs to me, although this special day with you, but we will celebrate your 60 birthday (lover)

 The longer the wine, the longer the friendship is true; the more clear the flow of water, the vicissitudes of life in the world more and more pale. Happy birthday, always good mood

 In the quiet night, with the candlelight candlelight, listen to the music, the wine is thick, let me accompany you through an unforgettable birthday! Birthday wish

 I"ve collected all the beauty of nature for you on your birthday

 candlestick. Hide what you can say in the bud, and make it a secret to be put away. Happy birthday! Birthday wish

 Sun plating for you mature, add your charming Yuet Wah, in your birthday this day, may the blessing of friends into the source of your happiness. You go on...... Birthday wish

 Youth tree growing luxuriantly green, the flower of life is more and more beautiful. On this day of your birthday, please accept my deep wishes to you, wish you energetic, youth often! Birthday wish

 Birthday blessing SMS collection

 1. short message is my beating heart, jumping character is my passionate love! Happy news tone? Of course, it"s my blessing to you!

 2. happy and happy halo wrapped around you, tell you my most sincere blessing: "all good things around you, happiness and peace."."

 3. wish blessings surround you, in your colorful journey of life, in your dream forever bordering on spring. I wish you: happy, happy! Happy birthday!

 4. let me bless you, let me laugh for you, because on your birthday today, my heart is as happy as you, happy, happy birthday to you

 5. gently bring you my blessing, small words, deep friendship

 in this sincere heart will always be with you, I wish you a happy birthday.

 6. let me bless you, let me laugh for you, because on your birthday today, my heart is as happy and happy as you! Happy birthday to you!

 7. special love, for special you, wish my blessing like sunshine like that winding you, sincerely wish health and happiness will always be with you, happy birthday!

 8. as the years followed up / everything is so beautiful but please stop a little birthday / back / see happy birthday this will not repeat the youth /!

 9. it"s an old custom to put food on the shelf / it"s an old habit / but please don"t blow it out. Don"t blow out that childhood dream / life passion / burn forever!

 10. life is an inn / someone / have arrived like you. Happy birthday is in a station / to an unknown future to move on, today, the early development of new wings like a bird; / tomorrow, like an eagle fengchengmoli. Wish you have a happy birthday!

 11. WOW! WOW! 5..4..3..2..1.. It ~ touch - Happy birthday! Old age! Wish you a year today, year has today, all everything. Always keep the pure heart happy every day!

 12. in your birthday is coming, I wish Kenneth legitimate cause, the body as strong as the tiger, numerous money, not work hard, laid back like a mouse, like romantic music, don"t you.

  13. give you a piece of cake: the first layer, considerate! The second layer, caring! Third layers, romantic! Fourth layers, warm! Intermediate sandwich, sweet! Wish you have a good mood every day.

 14. unforgettable is your pure friendship!

 Value is eternal love! Being happy is knowing you! Give my favorite carnation, happy birthday to you!

 15. because of your arrival, this day has become a beautiful day, from then on, the world will be a lot of attractive colors. Happy birthday to you!

 16. words have not dared to say to you, but your birthday without saying no chance: you really hate...... Love, never get tired!

 17. closing your heart, showing your humorous words, frankness and temperament. You are a trickle of water that moistens our hearts...... Happy birthday......

 18., today"s birthday bless you, the God of wealth chasing you every day, the president attaches importance to you every day, the disease I hide from you, happiness will always accompany you, everything always follow you!

 19. in this special day, I wish you every day: Wahaha, suisui Le Pepsi, smiling face like beauty, youth provoking kua. Happy birthday!

 20. please put the mobile phone to the person you love, like the sun and the moon you add mature and charming, we would like to wish you happy is the source... The envy of your birthday is so romantic, just hope you full of a quality suggestive of poetry or painting, every day happy, healthy, beautiful, life is a struggle, create, sure! Happy birthday!

 The 21. trumpet heroic amorous Mandolin reed the sweet to build a palace for your birthday. May your birthday be spent in this wonderful music and bright candlelight

 22. words and Speechless, if and if. I miss you, every day; I love you, silently in the bottom of my heart; I bless you: Happy Birthday!

 23. only those who know how to live can appreciate the beauty of flowers. Only those who know love can appreciate the fragrance of their hearts. I wish you a special birthday!

 24. you use beautiful rings to weave a calendar of ink fragrance, every year I will in the calendar of this day with affectionate miss, bless your birthday!

 25.. I never doubted the value of your existence. My life became better because of you. No matter what the world would be like, I hope you will be happy every year today!

 26. life is rich, life was sweet, happy happy, happy happy joy Hui hui. (read each sentence the word) 27. candles, but each birthday happy. Lucky you, tomorrow will be better!

 28. because of your arrival, this day has become a beautiful day, from then on, the world will be a lot of attractive colors. Happy birthday to you!

 29. know your birthday, what gift to say straight, say, say ah... After reading the message, time has passed!

 30. on this day of your birthday, happy note, as a gift to you, wish you happy 365 days a year, peace 31. long distance, long lines, long time to clean constantly, today is your birthday, I have been in distant learning for you, I wish you Happy birthday

 32. I think health and happiness are the two most important things in life. If they can be transferred, I will give you all of mine -- happy birthday

 33. is willing to accompany you all the happiness, is the head spring, the bow is autumn; let all the happiness follow you, full moon is a poem, the moon is painting!

 34. happy birthday to you, good chasing you, director of you, to hide you, love love you, pain from you, happy with you, everything down to you!

 35. bright background light shine on your cheeks, though weak, but can be extended far, read this message, make a wish, let the stars wish for you!

 Happy birthday 36! I want to give you a 100% pure milk candy: ingredients = true + + happy thoughts, valid = life = + +

 nutrition warm happiness touched

 37. gently wishing, more than a thousand words, when the bell sounded your birthday, do not forget my blessings, happy birthday to you!

 38. in the quiet night, lit dim candlelight, listening to soft music, with strong product Wine, let me accompany you happy birthday, youth, sunshine, laughter... As this is your day, I wish you a happy dance beat Happy birthday!

 The 39. day is blue, and the clouds are light,

 The wind is light. Today is yours, you are special, you are my love. I wish you luck forever, the past is the road, leaving the tottering footsteps countless, the future is a dream, carrying us to the distant sky, this is a new beginning, from here you start, you will do better!

 40. wish blessings surround you, in your colorful journey of life, in your dream forever bordering on spring. I wish you all the best! Happy!

 Happy birthday!

 41., the sun and the moon rotate forever, love if sincere accompany long, no matter you are in the remotest corners of the earth, I will always remember this day. Happy birthday to you!

 42. wish all happiness, all happiness, all warm, all good luck surround you. Happy birthday! Did you hear your music?

 43. the birth of every creature adds a color to this colorful world, and you are the most beautiful one. wish

 Happy birthday to you!

 44. my love for you has been a unforgettable feeling deep in my heart until today I had the chance to talk to you - that is, uh... Happy birthday ~].

 45. stars fall to 3 seconds. The moon rises to a day. The earth revolution to one year. Think of a person to 24. Love a man to life. But then a blessing: I wish you a second Happy birthday!

 46. year spent similar each year is different. Wake up today is not a dream, glabella wrinkles and a heavy. On this day of your birthday, hope you can be happy, healthy, beautiful Happy birthday!

 47. sweet honey, you smile sweet, like flowers open in the spring breeze, open in the spring breeze. Why do you smile so sweet? Because I sent you a short message. Happy birthday, baby!

 48. in my memory on the painted screen to add a lot of good memory, bright day. My dear friends, please accept my deep wishes, and all the joy will be with you

 49., you use beautiful rings to weave a calendar of ink fragrance, every year I will be on the page of this page with affectionate miss, bless your birthday!

 50. to send you a bowl of noodles, not salty not pale. Eat it

 long enough to make you happy. Good luck every day, health to forever. Today is your birthday, wish you evergreen and evergreen, and always enjoy the spring breeze!

 Your birthday, I wish you all the hope can be fulfilled, all dreams can be realized, all the waiting can appear, all the money can be cashed!

 Wish my blessing to you, in y...



 经文:诗篇 109:16—29;罗马书 12:14—21


 1、为人祝福(创十二 3,二十七 29)“为你祝福的,我必赐福于他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他”;“凡咒诅你的,愿他受咒诅;为你祝福的,愿他蒙福。”


 这里所说的福气有两方面的意义,即暂时的属世福气和永远的属灵福气。在神给亚伯拉罕的众多应许中,包括我们要作赐福别人的媒介。神说:“你也要叫别人得福”(创十二 12);“地上的万族都要因你得福”(创十二 3);这其中隐含着为别人祈福的要求。一般人的奋斗追求皆是为了改变自己的不幸命运和获得人生幸福,而基督徒的信仰则不是为了寻求什么利益,而是为了使自己真实地感受到神的同在。因此我们要战胜功利引诱,不计较个人得失与感受,作赐福的器皿,使众人也能够感受到神的爱,诸如:为他人祈祷、忍耐宽容人、帮助人、维护他人利益、关心他人生命等。

 2、周济穷人(箴二十八 27)“周济贫穷的,不致缺乏,佯为不见的,必多受咒诅。”

 神应许我们不缺乏,但要看到他人的需要,特别是对“贫穷人”进行力所能及的帮助。神应许我们脱离灾难,在地上享福,但要“眷顾”贫穷人。即:“眷顾贫穷的有福了,他遭难的日子,耶和华必搭救他。耶和华必保全他,使他存活,他必在地上享福……”(诗四十一 1—2)

 神应许“怜悯贫穷的,这人有福;(箴十四”21),因为“怜悯贫穷的,就是借给耶和华;他的善行,耶和华必偿还。(箴十九 17)神应许乐”捐者仁义永存,即:“ ……‘他施舍钱财,周济贫穷;他的仁义存到永远……使感谢归于神。(林后九 6—11)

 ”’ 主耶稣来,是要“传福音给贫穷的人。(”路四 18)所以,我们不可抢夺欺压贫穷、困苦人(箴二十二 22),当强暴人催逼如同暴风吹墙的时候,我们“就作贫穷人的保障,作困乏人急难中的保障;作躲暴风处,作避炎热的阴凉。(赛二十五”4)这样,贫穷人就会感受到神的爱,从而归向光明。3、只祝福不咒诅(罗十二 14)“逼迫你们的,要给他们祝福;只要祝福,不可咒诅。”这是基督徒对敌对者应有的态度。


  我们蒙恩是由于基督救我们脱离了咒诅(加三 13、14),因信称义是人类得救的唯一途径,这恩典的根源是因基督为我们受了律法的咒诅。主既救我们脱离一切的咒诅,我们就没有任何权力和自由去咒诅他人,包括仇敌在内。

 再者,我们的泉源(口舌)不能出甜苦两样的水(雅三 9—11);故神的儿女对敌对者只能祝福,不能咒诅,这便成了我们蒙福的泉源。这样,不仅感化了仇敌,而且也可能救了仇敌。我们若偶遇敌对者,便应遵行圣经教训,只祝福不咒诅。这样,神必动工,使我们化敌为友,作出美好的见证。基督徒不建立仇恨,便能平安度日,显出神的荣耀,这就是所得之福气了。


 1、抗拒神的选民死在旷野(民十四 2)“以色列众人向摩西、亚伦发怨言,全会众对他们说:‘巴不得我们早死在埃及地,或是死在这旷野。” ’ 这件事发生在以色列民将近迦南地的时候。当时,摩西、亚伦差遣十二个探子去窥探迦南地,好坚固他们征服圣地的信心,谁知回来之后竟有十个探子报恶讯,只有约书亚和迦勒持相反意见。以色列民众的信心大受影响,以致发怨言,甚至咒诅自己不如早死在埃及或矿野。可见,不信神或神的应许,便是变相的自我咒诅!

 这些获得拯救的百姓,不仅没有感恩的心,反倒质疑神对百姓的心意(民十四 3),因此,也抗拒摩西的带领(参:民十四 4)。这“宁愿死在旷野”的愚蠢愿望,最终获得了神的照准(民

 十四 28—33)。

 本来迦南美地已在望,因百姓不信的缘故,便功亏一篑,一条只有十一天的路程,却绕行了四十年(参:民十四 34;申二 14)。真是可悲!

 2、人要对自己无心的言语负责(太十二 36—37)“我又告诉你们,凡人所说的闲话,当审判的日子,必要句句供出来;因为要凭你的话,定你为义;也要凭你的话,定你有罪。”

 言为心声,语言本身只是工具,好与坏全看人怎样用它。圣徒雅各说:“若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。(雅三 2)因为,“舌头是个罪恶的世界,能污秽全身,也能把生命”的轮子点起来,并且是从地狱里点着的。(雅三 6)

 ” 我们将来面对主的时候,要对自己一切的话语负责,包括“闲话”等无心的言语。经上说:“绊倒人的事是免不了的,但那绊倒人的有祸了!(太十八 7)其实,使人跌倒绊脚指的是让人因我们(包括言语)”离开正道去犯罪。可见,舌头虽小,却能说大话,坏大事(参:雅三 5),如火点燃树林,不仅伤害别人,也能殃及自身。故此,敬畏神的人当谨慎言语,否则便自招咒诅了。

 3、神儿女不可咒诅任何人(路六 28-36)“咒诅你们的,要为他们祝福!凌辱你们的,要为他祷告……你们要慈悲,象你们的父慈悲一样。”在这个问题上基督徒应注意以下三点:

 不可咒诅君王(传十 20 上),“你不可咒诅君王,也不可心怀此念。”故基督徒不可参与任何反动的政治运动,不可有危害国家和社会的言论、行动及想法。


  不可嫉妒富户(传十 20 下)“在你卧房也不可咒诅富户;因为空中的鸟,必传扬这声音,有翅膀的,也必述说这事。”虽然穷人、富户是两个不同的阶级,但在基督里不分彼此,所以不可怨恨、咒诅富有者。

 不可影响朋友(箴二十七 14)“清早起来,大声给朋友祝福的,就算是咒诅他。”早晨不可影响他人的好心情,也不可打扰别人的属灵生活。我们可以安静在神前为朋友祈福。


 主耶稣教导我们:“不要与恶人作对……要爱你们的仇敌,为那逼迫你们的祷告。这样,就可以做你们天父的儿子……”(太五 39—45)但基督徒若遇恶人逼迫怎么应对呢?主耶稣又说:


 1、被仇敌咒诅的人会蒙神赐恩 如大卫王在逃避儿子追杀之际,遭遇扫罗族人示每的多方咒诅、羞辱,但大卫不容许属下伸冤报仇,他说:“或者耶和华见我遭难,为我今日被这人咒骂,就施恩与我。(撒下十六 12)后来,大卫果然胜”过押沙龙,且延长年日。

 当日,以色列族进迦南时,遭遇摩押、亚扪人的拦阻,“他们没有拿食物和水来,迎接以色列人,反倒雇了术士巴兰咒诅他们;但我们的神使那咒诅变为祝福。(民十三 2)

 ” 2、遭咒诅时要继续祝福敌对者 使徒保罗为传福音付出了极大的代价,他给哥林多人说:“直到如今,我们还是又饥,又渴,又赤身露体,又挨打,又没有一定的住处,并且劳苦,亲手作工;被人咒骂,我们就祝福;被人逼迫,我们就忍受;被人毁谤,我们就善劝……”(林前四11—13)。

 在以善胜恶这件事上,圣经教导我们:“行善不可丧志,若不灰心,到了时候就要收成。(加六”9;参帖后三 13)因此,“不要以恶报恶。众人以为美的事,要留心去作。若是能行总要尽力与众人和睦。亲爱的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,宁可让步,听凭主怒(让人发怒);因为经上记着,主说:‘伸冤在我,我必报应。’所以,‘你的仇敌若饿了,就给他吃;若渴了,就给他喝;因为你这样行,就是把炭火堆在他的头上’。你不可为恶所胜,反要以善胜恶。(罗十二 17—21)

 ” 可见,宽容、祝福敌对者,是蒙神喜悦的一件事,不仅能够化敌为友,而且也能蒙神更大的祝福!

 3、神应许儿女脱离灾害 当年,巴勒请来巴兰咒诅以色列民时,最终巴兰对巴勒说:“巴勒引我出亚兰,摩押王引我出东山,说:‘来啊!为我咒诅雅各;来啊!怒骂以色列。’神没有咒诅的,我焉能咒诅?耶和华没有怒骂的,我焉能怒骂?”(民二十三 7—8)这是巴兰经历了一系列神的拦阻之后的感悟。因“断没有法术可以害雅各;也没有占卜可以害以色列。(”民二十三 23)就神学意义而言,基督徒是属灵的以色列选民,




 总之,为人祝福,周济贫穷,忍耐仇敌是我们蒙福的泉源;倘若背弃上主,危害他人,言语不负责任便自然召来祸端。但对基督徒而言,有些苦难则属于为信仰付出的应有代价,如彼得所言:“你们若因行善受苦,能忍耐,这在神看是可喜爱的……要一心为善;将自己灵魂交与那信实的造化之主”(参:彼前二 20,三 17,四 17、19),因这与咒诅已再无关系了。盼望诸位能活在神的旨意中,使自己的人生多蒙神的赐福!

  4 篇二:破除咒诅,迎来祝福


  家家有本难念的经:有的人家庭很好,事业成功,经济富裕,孩子不成器,有的人啥都好,就是身体有病,有的人倒是没病,大人孩子健健康康的,就是日子过得紧巴了点,总是赚不到钱。不信主的人不知道这是怎么一回事,只知道人生是不圆满的,所谓人无远虑,必有近忧。这个世界充满了苦难,是因为这个世界充满了咒诅,根本原因是世界充满了罪。上帝因着公义的属性,他不能不追讨罪。带来的结果就是咒诅。追讨人的罪并不是上帝所愿意的,以西结 33:11 我断不喜悦恶人死亡,惟喜悦恶人转离所行的道而活。他愿意人因着耶稣基督的救赎咒诅得以破除,但是圣经告诉我们,这都是咒诅造成的,咒诅有的时候报应在本人身上,有报应在后代身上。

 申命记 28:1,2,我们看“追随”这两个字,祝福追随着你,你就路路亨通,出入蒙福。“有福不用忙,没福跑断肠”咒诅追随着你,你就四面受敌,陆路不通。但是,被祝福追随的人少,被咒诅追随的人多。没有人愿意被咒诅追随,要想蒙福,就得先破除咒诅。


 一、生养方面。申命记 28:16-18 以撒——地,雅各——羊,有的人养猪猪瘟,养鸡鸡瘟,大胜——家财万贯,带毛的不算,农村会找人看房子、看祖坟,看到底是哪里出了问题。女人生养方面的咒诅轻的表现在有妇科病,重一点的表现在不容易怀孕,或者不到期而落。总是怀不住孩子。最严重的莫过于终生不孕,或者生下来孩子死了。亚伯拉罕家族就有生养方面的咒诅——撒莱——利百加——拉结

 二、精神方面。申命记 28:20,28 表现在睡眠不好,易怒、抑郁、焦虑、有暴力倾向、一点小事摔盘子砸碗,闹得四邻不安,事后也后悔,当时就是控制不住自己,不摔东西不过瘾。心里总是不平安,没有安全感、有自杀倾向。日本自杀率最高的国家。一同事跳楼自杀,年仅 40 岁。

 三、身体健康方面。申命记 28:21,22,27,35,希西家长毒疮病得快死。神藉以赛亚医治了他。

 四、事业。申命记 28:25,有的人在蓬莱做生意赔钱,就上龙口做生意,还赔钱,又上烟台,还赔钱,再上青岛。跑哪儿咒诅跟到哪儿,都不赚钱。有的人非常聪明,才华横溢,总是不得志,眼看着事要办成的,但总是在节骨眼上掉链子。升迁上总是受阻。平时没有人比你跑得快,但是拿金牌的总是别人。传道书 9:11 日光之下,快跑的未必能赢,力战的未必得胜,智慧的未必得粮食,明哲的未必得资财,灵巧的未必得喜悦;所临到众人的,是在乎当时的机会。机会非常重要。罗马书 9:16 不在乎那定义的,也不在乎那奔跑的,只在乎发怜悯的神。“有关系就没有关系,没有关系就有关系”,一定要跟上帝调整好关系,上帝怜悯你,恩待你,给你机会,你就凡事顺利。

 五、经济方面。申命记 28:43,44 要么总是赚不到钱,要么赚了不少钱,手里总没钱。

 六、生活方面。申命记 28:30,31,33,34,38-40 哈巴谷 2:13 众民所劳碌得来的被火焚烧。传道书 5:19 神赐人资财丰富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的份,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是神的恩赐。传道书 6:1-2 我见日光之下有一宗祸患重压在人身上,就是人蒙神赐他资财、丰富、尊荣,以致他心里所愿的一样都不缺,只是神使他不能吃用,反有外人来吃用。这是虚空,也是祸患。

 七、亲情方面咒诅。申命记 28:32,41,孩子被网络捆绑,吸毒、歌厅。

 八、其他。申命记 28:58-61 有规律的患难,婚姻破裂。

  申命记 28:47,48。箴言 26:2,麻雀往来,燕子翻飞,这样,无故的咒诅也必不临到。没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。也没有无缘无故的咒诅。查看一下自己有哪些方面的咒诅。破除咒诅,迎来祝福。



 一、拜偶像。1 有形的偶像。出埃及记 20:4-5,6,22,23。拜偶像就是恨神,有的人一生拜偶像,神宽恕他,等着他悔改,总不悔改,自己平平安安的入了坟墓,后代却倒了大霉了。孙兆言奶奶拜偶像,很长寿,也没什么事,好像很蒙福。但是儿子、孙子却遭了殃。这是有形的偶像。2、无形的偶像。撒母耳记上 15:22-23 圣经明确记载不要反淫乱,偷窃,起假誓,偏偏体贴肉体,跟神唱对台戏。看事业过于看神,看金钱过于看神。看孩子过于看神。以利。


 二、传假道。加拉太 1:8——9,保罗是主耶稣...


祝福语(Birthday wishes)

 Youth, sunshine, laughter...... For this is your day, happy dance beat. Happy birthday to you!

 It is a good start, may my sincere wishes bring you success for a year, I wish you a Happy birthday!

 Hope your soul -- green forever, youth, happiness. I wish you health and happiness Happy birthday!

 Happy birthday to you!

 In the midst of yearning, I remembered your birthday, I would like to use a word, express your feelings: I wish you a happy birthday!

 Water is the home of the cloud, the cloud water is wandering. The clouds are always remember water hometown birthday, the water will need a cloud of attachment.

 I sincerely wish on your birthday and every day in the future, you are always full of joy!

 Two green leaves, with its roots of friendship; a message, I concentrated on your blessing. Happy is willing to embrace you, this is your special day, Happy birthday!

 On the occasion of your birthday, please accept my three wishes: May you be in good health; two wish you happiness; three wish you good luck in everything!

 On this day of your birthday, happy note, as a gift to you, wish you to have 365 beautiful days, I sincerely bless you - Happy birthday!

 In this special day, a small card to you, is a difficult to erase the memories of a permanent friendship: so that the joy of my mind is full of space, let time full of joy. I wish Happy birthday!

 In the quiet night, lit the candle light, listening to soft music, with strong product Wine, let me accompany you happy birthday! The "

 Congratulations on your birthday, I give you my love for you, also send a little gift. Take care!

 Happy birthday to the source!

 100% pure milk sugar: ingredients = true + + happy thoughts, valid = life = + + nutrition warm happiness touched.

 Wish you birthday, with joy and laughter from dawn to sunset. The "

 Happy birthday! May this special day, your every hour with joy. The "

 Wishing you every day of the year is full of happiness and sunshine and love. Happy birthday to you!

 The "

 Birthday the unexpected gift from you really make me happy, do you remember I really warm heart, I really appreciate your

 hearts. The "

 Please accept my gift, it brings you warm affection and loving thought, wish you Happy birthday, another year of joy! Happy forever! The "

 In order to you in my everyday life, for the happiness you bring me, for our love and good memories for me, for you do not change the admiration, I wish you a happy birthday in the world! The "

 This birthday wishes to express my love to you how deep in my calendar, you are as young and charming, and the extra year seems to make you more beautiful, elegant style. The "

 Happy birthday to an attractive, intelligent and generous, sophisticated, and all-round splendid Happy birthday. The "

 Happy birthday, sweetheart. You are the most lovely person in the world. The "

 Today is your birthday, my love, thank you for your hard work, thank you for the support and understanding of my. Give you all my love! The "

 At this moment, have my deepest thoughts, let cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to spend a romantic birthday! The "

 With all my love to you Happy birthday! When you need me, I will be there for you. I wish you a happy, love you more each year!

 Send the source!

 I wish my love Happy birthday, time flies, but my love for you grows fonder. In this special day, I want to tell you, your love makes my life complete.

 Please remember someone always loves you and needs you. With all my love to you Happy birthday! The "

 My love for you grow with each passing day, you are my favorite people in the whole world, I wish you happy every day Happy birthday! The "

 Time will never change my love, the passage of time will only make it more deep, I wish you a Happy birthday, my lover! The "

 Bless my sweetheart Happy birthday, you are always so charming, so beautiful! The "

 My love, bless you Happy birthday! The "

 Sun Yong constant rotation, if true affection for long, whether you are in the remotest corners of the globe, I will always remember this day. I wish you a happy birthday! ""

 Although the letters are so rare, moments is so short, but the friendship we tied. I wish Happy birthday! The "

 Water is the home of the cloud, the cloud water is wandering. The clouds are always remember water hometown birthday, the

 water will need a cloud of attachment. The "

 Maybe you are not born for me, may I have the honor to accompany you. I wish the rest of life, every year for you light up the birthday candle. The "

 Special love for special you, I would like to wish the sun that kept you, sincerely wish health and happiness always accompany you, Happy birthday! The "

 It"s your birthday, although the broken love makes us become strange, but I never forget your birthday, happy birthday! ""

 Today is your birthday, when you open the mobile phone of the first moment, I give you the first blessing today: Happy birthday, Xinxiangshicheng! ""

 I have no colorful flowers, not romantic poetry, no gifts, no exciting surprise, only gently blessing, wish you Happy birthday!

 Long distance, long lines, long time to clean constantly, today is your birthday, I have been in distant learning for you, I wish you a Happy birthday

 In your birthday is coming, please let me say to you: "pig! You Happy birthday "plus a" thought is more into packing! Good mood every day!"

 I think health and happiness are the two most important things in life, if they can transfer, I"d like to think that I give

 you - a Happy birthday.

 I wish all the happiness will accompany you, is the head spring, the bow is autumn; let all the happiness follow you, full moon is a poem, the moon is painting!

 Happy birthday to you, good chasing you, competent to take you seriously, to hide you, love love you, pain from you, happy with you, everything down to you!

 The background light could shine on your cheeks, though weak, but can be extended far, read this message, make a wish, let the stars wish for you!

 Happy birthday! I want to give you a 100% pure milk candy: ingredients = true + + happy thoughts, valid = life = + + nutrition warm happiness touched

 Good woman simple, good friendship is refreshing, good fate forever. I wish you a beautiful flowers, good spread, gentle force without block, one hundred years of youth!

 Sun plating for you mature, add your charming Yuet Wah, born in Japan to the end of May, the blessing of friends into the source of your happiness......

 In your birthday is approaching, I wish Kenneth legitimate cause, the body as strong as the tiger, numerous money, not work hard, laid back like a mouse, like romantic music, happy for you

 No colorful flowers, not romantic poetry, no gifts, no exciting surprise, only gently blessing, wish you Happy birthday!

 Special love for special you, I would like to wish the sun that kept you, sincerely wish health and happiness always accompany you, Happy birthday!

 365 days a year, is, is hope, you came to the world added a bit of color, let the next 365 days, the smile still bright.

 In this belong to you the most brilliant days, I sent a sincere, but the oldest is the most fresh baked blessing: Happy birthday! Beautiful life!

 A little wish, more than thousands and thousands of words, when the bell sounded birthday to you, do not forget my wish, wish you Happy birthday!

 In the quiet night, lit the dim candlelight, listening to soft music, with strong product Wine, let me accompany you happy birthday,

 Youth, sunshine, laughter... As this is your day, I wish you a happy dance beat Happy birthday!

 The sky is blue, the clouds are light, the wind is light. Today is you, you are special, you are my love. Good luck forever

 The past is crippled by the footsteps of countless Road, the future is a dream carrying us toward the distant sky, this is a new beginning, start from here and you will do better

  Best wishes to you in your journey of life, forever in your dream bordering with spring. I wish you: happy! Happy!

 Happy birthday!

 The dawn of happiness around you sunny smile in your heart The sun sinks in the west. joy with you one day. Care about your friends on this day sincerely wish you happy forever Happy birthday

 Close the door, see your humor, sincere disposition. You are a trickle, moistens our hearts...... Happy birthday......

 Happy birthday to you today, the day after you, the day you attention, wretchedness I hide you, happiness always accompany you, everything always follow you!

 In this special day, I wish you every day: Wahaha, suisui Le Pepsi, smiling face like beauty, youth provoking kua. Happy birthday!

 Please put the mobile phone to the person you love, like the sun and the moon you add mature and charming, we would like the blessing is the source of your happiness...

 Envy you your birthday is so romantic, just hope you full of a quality suggestive of poetry or painting, every day happy, healthy, beautiful, life is a struggle, create, grasp! Happy birthday!

 Are you hungry? My bread! Are you cold? I was in Mongolia! Are

 you angry? I was! Happy birthday!

 Passionate Mandolin trumpet heroic sweet reed pipe of building into the palace of your birthday. May your birthday be spent in this wonderful music and bright candlelight

 No words and Speechless, if and if. I miss you every day together; I love you silently in my heart; I wish you: Happy birthday!

 Only people who understand life, can enjoy flowers. Only know how to love people, to enjoy the fragrance of the heart. I wish you have a special birthday!

 With the grace of your ring to form a volume of ink scent calendar every year I will be in the calendar of the day with the affection I wish your birthday!

 I never doubt the value of your life, my life becomes beautiful because of you, no matter how will the world, hope you can happy every day very much!

 Life is rich, life was sweet, happy happy, happy happy joy Hui hui. (read each sentence of the word)

 A: birthday old than Nanshan songchangqing youth. The second line of a couplet: may not enjoy the happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea changliushui family. Hengpi: named Jubilee

 Sun Yong constant rotation, if true affe...

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